Common Law Constitution . Org

The People Govern their Country through the Jury

Please also visit for information on Natural Law and the esoteric foundations of our Constitution

For the esoteric information that underpins our Constitution, please visit our website...

Welcome! Please read the following six paragraphs. It's vital information.

The campaign is primarily concerned with the re-exposure and uncovering of some deeply hidden information about constitutions that are based on ancient Common Law (not what is often confused with Case Law, or judge-made law, by the establishment!)

The only Constitutions (or governing systems) in the world that are legitimate are those that are aligned with Natural Universal Law, and one way of achieving that is to base it upon that ancient customary Common Law called (in Latin) Legem Terrae. The legitimacy of these constitutions comes from the fact that they recognise that a man's rights are naturally existing and inherent. That means that governments that are formed under that constitutional arrangement are fundamentally limited and there are no conditions by which those rights can be removed or limited by the government - only by the consciences of other citizens. (In a jury). Clearly that is not functioning correctly like that now!

The British people and even the Freedom Movement itself have largely ignored or even avoided this information in the past and appear not to realise that the knowledge of this concealed information would provide them with not only the antidote to the current condition of criminal government overreach and the loss of our liberties, but would also set the people on a path of a much deeper awakening of consciousness and lead humanity towards a more enlightened future.

Unfortunately, over a very long period of time, the people (the citizenry), largely through ignorance, have stood by and allowed this Constitutional Rule of Law to become horribly distorted, and, for this reason, this campaign is not going to provide quick solutions (there are none). Those that work in government and 'the system' are just an extension of the broader citizenry and they hold self-destructive beliefs that have (through generations) brought about a centrally-controlled collectivist government that is nothing more than an inversion of what the genuine Constitution was trying to frame.

However, if sufficient numbers of people were to learn and embrace this information, the resulting pressure and potential turmoil that would be brought to bare on the establishment and political class would be enormous and would begin reversing this effect and return the system to the way it was intended to work. The English Constitution, ultimately, is a framework of principles that helps bring about an Individualist society and, therefore a community that is in alignment with the way that the Universe functions (based on Individual Rights). It places the people in authority over their own government at all times, every day and not just every few years at an election! In fact - this means that government ceases to be a government at all!

You will learn about things like:

  • The limits of government power
  • How the people get to judge government-created law (legislation)
  • How the people are the highest law council of the land
  • The Monarch is the highest-ranking public servant and has serious duties to perform!
  • The Monarch is supposed to block any legislation from parliament that would reduce your freedoms
  • The effect of deepening consciousness when enacting the constitution

Get up to speed with this information and it will empower you. Educate and teach others around you and then we will be a force to be reckoned with.

Essential reading for all. This is a concise but detailed explanation on the British Constitution and its concealed powers of liberty. Download here:
Our Common Law Constitution image
Natural Law: Towards a Fuller Understanding of Your Constitution and Faith

This is the most contentious video I have put out yet. I have not said these things to be deliberately provocative and my aim is not to upset people. In this, I explain how you can come to a deeper understanding of the Constitution's legitimacy and inevitability by studying Natural Law.

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Two Tier Distraction?

Some thoughts on the latest excitements regarding the sentencing council's guidelines regarding pre-sentence reports. Whilst a concern, this is hiding the deeper problems we face. And we're all being distracted in the process.

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Glorious Revolution: This will Ruffle a Few Feathers

Part 1 focusses on the background to the Glorious Revolution, the lead-up to the event, the propaganda and deceptive games that were at play behind what appears to have been the most important coup d'état in English history

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Understanding Legitimacy in Law

Understanding this gives you greater confidence in discussion and argument

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William Keyte Writes to The Rt. Hon. Sir Brian Leveson

As part of Sir Brian Leveson's call for evidence, Will (among many others) writes to Sir Brian. In this letter I tackle the ownership of Justice within a community, the dangers of order-following, the Constitutional requirement of Juries and some further suggestions.

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Your Opportunity to Express Your Concern

You have an opportunity to express your opinions on the criminal courts review. Brian Leveson would like to hear from all who have an interest in this area! Would that be you by any chance? But you don't have long!...

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Important: New attack on Trial by Jury Imminent?

Please watch my approx. 30 min presentation what is likely to be a new attack on Trial by Jury. This is off the back of a crisis in the Justice system in which we have a backlog of approx 73000 cases.

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A Brief 'Articlette' Inspired by Dom's Fireside Chat

We had better know our true constitution well and quickly, before the destructionists get us so angry with the confusing parliamentary charade that is currently masquerading as our democracy, that we clamour to tear it down and create a void

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  •  15/09/2024 10:00 AM
  •   Totnes, Devon TQ9 5DD, UK

Our Evolution: Understanding Individual Rights and Living Accordingly - 15th September - Totnes A full-day Course with Will in person - Between 5 and 6 hours of material

  •  25/06/2024 07:00 PM
  • Online Event

First online course - Dates and times published

  • £10
  •  27/04/2024 02:00 PM
  •   Market Street, Fowey PL23 1AS, UK

A Presentation by William Keyte • 27th April • 2-4 pm includes Q and A and Discussion • £10 Cash only at the door

  •  18/02/2024 10:00 AM
  •   Crookes Lane, Kewstoke, Weston-super-Mare, UK

Natural Law, Consciousness and Self-Governance

  •  14/11/2023 07:00 PM
  •   Crookes Ln, Kewstoke, Weston-super-Mare BS22 9XB, UK

Tuesday, 14 November 2023, 7 pm Kewstoke Village Hall Donations welcome

  • £20
  •  21/10/2023 11:00 AM
  •   Bourne Place, Chiswick, London, UK

A full-day course with William Keyte on Natural Law, Consciousness and Self-Governance Saturday, 21 October 2023, 11 am - 5.30 pm Chiswick Memorial Club, Bourne Place, Chiswick, London, W4 2EL £20

  •  10/08/2023 03:00 PM
  •   Braziers Lane, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK

Will is delighted to be speaking at Dan Astin-Gregory's Camp-Out 2023 Event at Braziers Park, Oxfordshire.

  •  01/07/2023 11:00 AM
  •   Bourne Pl, Chiswick, London W4 2EL, UK

1. Mechanics of the Constitution and the Human Challenge of Morality: William Keyte 2. The Great Fire of London: A Power Plot that Removed Legal Freedoms: Gloria Moss

  • £20
  •  24/06/2023 10:00 AM
  •   The Clubhouse, Water Street, Buxton, UK

A full-day course with William Keyte Saturday, 24 June 2023 - 10 am - 5 pm The Club House Buxton

  •  16/04/2023 07:00 PM
  •   Old Red House, Thirsk Junction, Thirsk YO7 4LT, UK

Talk by William Keyte on our Constitution and Natural Law.

Winchester Declaration

The Winchester Declaration - 19th November 2016


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