Alchemy and Annulment: The Power of the Jury as Portrayed in Popular Culture

A 17,000 word piece of academic research into Jury Independence, Annulment, its importance to the constitution, the alchemical effects of Trial by Jury on the consciousness of jurors and the positive effects on society more broadly.

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The Coronation Oath as it Relates to Constitutional Law

"...they were never satisfied till the said laws were reinforced, and mingled, for the most part, with the Coronation Oath of King William I, and some of his successors"

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The Royal “We”

A short essay explaining the concept of the 'Royal We' in what is probably its proper context. This affects our understanding of the constitution in its proper form and that we all step into the role of public servant (the 'We') when we move against someone suspected of a crime

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Money Musings

A light-hearted look at money-creation!

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The Constitution: A Safe Container for Our Anarchy

Our Constitution helps the people to live as individuals, interacting with others on a voluntary basis, whilst ensuring that no person's individual rights are transgressed

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The Meadow

A Poem

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When is a Facade Not a Facade?

A short essay by LW highlighting the 'Emperor's new clothes' situation around the Parliamentary system of governance unwittingly and unintentionally revealed by an establishment aligned author

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